If I never had to watch the news, I don't think I would. Why? I mean, isn't anything that is new, "news?" And isn't there something new happening next? I bet if I sat one day, doing nothing but watching CNN, I bet I could turn on the tv the next day and I would find something new. Ok, stop...i'm not saything new, aren't I?
On to the question in hand. Where do you get your NEWS? Most of the news I catch, usually comes in the form of the 10 o'clock news chanel. I watch KENS tv because I won't have to change the chanel for when David Letterman comes on. And because the news is usually gloomy and tragic, at least the headliners are, I think I need a chaser of David Letterman just to forget all the ugly news of the day.
On occasion, I will watch CNN, but only because its on in a hospital lobby, and office or some public place.
Ah, but there is morning radio with Lisle & Hahn. It's radio, but certainly not news radio. The 1 -2 minutes of news, well...it isn't all that news-worthy, but its news none-the-less. Usually mixed in with they cynical, whimsical, scarcastic twist of news. It's ok.
But I think, although not considered regular media, my information comes from the form of the spoken word. Someone will say something in the office and if it catches my attenion, then i'll log in to CNN. I'll search just so I can be informed.
Although we get the newspaper delivered at home, I don't read it. It's rather messy and there are papers scattered everywhere when your done.
If something is rather interesting or important, like a pending hurricane or someone going on a killing spree, i might look up CNN online..and then perhaps watch it on the 10 o'clock news. It's not so much to compare, but perhaps to get a more broad perspective of what has happened or is happening.
Not sure why....but if you watch national news, like nightline, or the evening news witih Bryan Jennings, for whatever reason its sounds more crediable. It's interesting, or funny for that matter, that the local news just seems to be repeating the news from some other source and it's nothing that they have investigated, researched, captured or broke themselves.
I could really do without the 10 o'clock news, but its convenient and easy to watch. And don't even get me started on Steve Brown, really....a weatherman, really?
But, we can't do without news. It's around us, therefore it can affect us, so...if you must, then you must.
I could probably write another line or two, but David Letterman is coming on next. See ya!
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