Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 of 3. favorite movies

Inevitably, every 5-10 years someone will ask what is your top 5 movies of all time.  Whether it’s in the office, on a trip or just over dinner, someone will ask.   Now…if you’re old like me, well … then you know I’ve been asked this a few times.  What is hard about being asked now - is that throughout your life, your list will change.   If you had asked me 20 years ago, I would have included movies like “looking for mr. goodbar,” “one flew over the cookoo’s nest”  or even “the world according to Garp.”  If I were to only count the movies in the last 5 years, well then you would have to go with movies like Avatar, Batman begins, 300.  How can you not consider these movies with the way technology has changed.  And it’s ever changing and I bet that I one day I’ll even be able to type my posts in 3D, or would that be 4D?
So there lies the dilemma.  Which era will I go with…..hmmm?
Lets see.  
If could only pick three, then I will start with FORREST GUMP.  Now, how can you not love Forrest Gump.  Just the name (Forrest) alone should win you over.  Run Forrest Run”….would not sound as funny if it were “Run Billy Run,” right?  And how can you pass up saying the “BUH TOCS” when you’re at a party or “bubba shrimp?”   It’s a story about life, tragedy, kindness, love and death, and about despite how many time you might lose, there is also winning in life.  Tom Hanks is superb in that movie, as he is in most his movies.  But I gotta put Forrest Gump up there.
Silence of the Lambs.  Ahhh, it’s one of those movies for me that if your flipping channels and you land on it, well….your gonna see it thru.  Mystery, suspense, followed by a nice kianti.  Not even sure if I know how to spell it, and I definitely cannot spell….sucking your lips and teeth 3 times really fast (work with me here) but I love that sound.  And who else do you know that can slick his hair back and look that cool, (don’t say Pat Riley, he’s not an actor).   I love that movie.  It makes you want to embrace being an evil genius.  Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but you know what I mean.
…and last but not least, I gotta give a shout-out to my man Quinton Tarantino, and his epic: PULP FICTION.  Who knew that you could tell a story starting in at the end and finish at the beginning, totally enjoying the ride!  From all the different actors and story lines, to the connection that people have with each other, to sticking a giant needle in someone’s cardiothoracic organs, what a movie.  It is probably that fact that it is filmed in a non-convention style that draws me to this movie.  The chemistry that John Travolta and Samuel Jackson is quite synergistic. 
So there you have it.  Ask me again tomorrow and I’ll probably say the same three movies, but don’t bet your money on it.  Now I feel like some popcorn … you?

Monday, September 12, 2011

2 of 3.

If I never had to watch the news, I don't think I would.  Why?  I mean, isn't anything that is new, "news?"  And isn't there something new happening next?   I bet if I sat one day, doing nothing but watching CNN, I bet I could turn on the tv the next day and I would find something new.  Ok, stop...i'm not saything new, aren't I?
On to the question in hand.  Where do you get your NEWS?   Most of the news I catch, usually comes in the form of the 10 o'clock news chanel.  I watch KENS tv because I won't have to change the chanel for when David Letterman comes on.  And because the news is usually gloomy and tragic, at least the headliners are, I think I need a chaser of David Letterman just to forget all the ugly news of the day. 
On occasion, I will watch CNN, but only because its on in a hospital lobby, and office or some public place.
Ah, but there is morning radio with Lisle & Hahn.  It's radio, but certainly not news radio.  The 1 -2 minutes of news, isn't all that news-worthy, but its news none-the-less.  Usually mixed in with they cynical, whimsical, scarcastic twist of news.  It's ok.
But I think, although not considered regular media, my information comes from the form of the spoken word.  Someone will say something in the office and if it catches my attenion, then i'll log in to CNN.  I'll search just so I can be informed.
Although we get the newspaper delivered at home, I don't read it.  It's rather messy and there are papers scattered everywhere when your done. 
If something is rather interesting or important, like a pending hurricane or someone going on a killing spree, i might look up CNN online..and then perhaps watch it on the 10 o'clock news.  It's not so much to compare, but perhaps to get a more broad perspective of what has happened or is happening. 
Not sure why....but if you watch national news, like nightline, or the evening news witih Bryan Jennings, for whatever reason its sounds more crediable.  It's interesting, or funny for that matter, that the local news just seems to be repeating the news from some other source and it's nothing that they have investigated, researched, captured or broke themselves. 
I could really do without the 10 o'clock news, but its convenient and easy to watch.  And don't even get me started on Steve Brown, really....a weatherman, really? 
But, we can't do without news.  It's around us, therefore it can affect us, so...if you must, then you must.
I could probably write another line or two, but David Letterman is coming on next.  See ya!